Tuesday, March 15, 2011


It's an update from the land of Barnabas!!

For all of you who are/were wondering, I have been doing really well lately (and before lately too :P ). I'm getting excited to be spending a summer here beginning in June as an assistant cook, and this week has been great prep for that.

We currently have a 5 day group in called Arrow. They arrived Sunday afternoon in time for dinner and leave Friday morning. Arrow groups are known not only for their incredible speakers (I have yet to hear one...maybe tomorrow if i have time) but also for their crazy early breakfasts (7.30) and the vast amounts of coffee they consume. The coffee isn't a huge problem for me (it might help that I'm not the one making it...:) ) but the early breakfasts are. Eating at 7.30am means getting up at 5am for me.

Yesterday (the first morning) was ok for me. I got up at 5am, showered, dressed, and being the eager beaver that I am, went down to the kitchen 10 minutes early to make myself a cup of tea.

By the time breakfast rolled around I felt like I had been run over by a truck.

As I sat in the dining room with my plate of food I could feel myself fading fast, but after eating and clearing and doing lunch prep my strength returned slightly. That afternoon after lunch as I stood in the dining room yet again setting tables for the next meal I glanced out the door to see a man in his running gear tearing up the hill. "OH!" I thought "How lovely would it be to go for a run during my break"! I suddenly had a terrible urge to do just that and so when dinner prep was done the sporadic afternoon sunshine found me breezing through the forest to Plumper Cove.

"This is great, these early mornings really aren't so bad after all" was the thought running through my clearly caffeine saturated brain.....I should have napped.

This morning I woke up later than my alarm clock (apparently i turned it off and went back to sleep? yup.) and practically fell out of bed. My burst of stamina lasted all of 1/2 an hour and then my energy was completely sapped. I honestly don't know how I made it through the morning, I almost fell asleep during lunch, my tiredness was past the point of hyper-laugh-at-everything-even-if-it's-not-funny point and into the phase of if-only-I-make-it-to-break-time-so-I-can-nap-forever. And nap I did! No more runs for me this week thank you very much :P.

And now...It's 9.40pm and WAY past my bedtime. Everyone else in the Shep is in bed, it's warm and cozy and I'll sleep well tonight.

So aside from the early mornings it's been a good experience. I just need to learn to discipline myself to nap in the afternoons and drink lots of coffee. And no more runs. And go to bed earlier.

I daresay I'm turning into quite the sensible person.....almost an adult....NOT!

Your prayers are appreciated...I miss you all

P.S. I would love it if you sent me letters, I love getting things in the mail...just saying...if any of you feel the urge....;)

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Life is good!

Today i'm sitting on our couch in the Shep, soft classical music (Beethoven) is playing the background, i'm sipping a mug of hot Indian cardamom tea. Outside is a torrent of rain, inside warm. Life is good. Life. Is. Good.
Off to Kathy and Rob's for dinner and discussion!