Monday, June 30, 2008


Well I'm finally off to the beach tomorrow, the first time we'll been there for the whole day! I'm pretty stoked because it means I get to work on my tan before I go camping (which is only 11 days away!!! :D SUPER STOKED), or most likely my burn.
Sand, Sun, Water, Food, Volleyball, FUN TIMES!
So if you're in Vancouver just come down and join us anytime!
Oh and happy early Canada Day......

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Guttering and Scrubbing

So guess what i get to do on my day off?


ok so maybe not so bad as all that, my mom is the one cleaning the gutters and climbing all over the roof because i'm hiding down in the basement avoiding her....
but pretty soon she'll be screaming for me to come help her scrub the deck.
and as for the dying a horrible death part, well thats just me being all melodramatic.

on a more serious note, RIP Meeks, it was a privilege to be taught by you!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Life in God's Plan

Sometimes i wish i actually was in University. Like when friends are leaving for far off schools or just found out they've been accepted somewhere, and i think oh that would be such an adventure. And i become disatisfied with my work and disappointed that God hasn't called me to something more glamorous or exciting than just working as a cashier.
But God is faithful when you are obedient to His Will, hard as it may be. We come out the other side a bit different, closer to God, more like Him.
Even though it's difficult (very much so), i know that what i'm doing right now (working) is what God has asked me to do. So by the grace of God i will persevere. Be it weeks, months, years, even the rest of my life!
So if you were thinking of asking me what i'm going to be doing in the future.....think again because i don't know!!