Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Being An Aunty

So the other day my almost-niece Kiara was over with Leah, my almost-sister-in-law, and i told her (Kiara) she had to call me Aunty Fifi instead of Aunty Alpha, i didn't really think she was going to remember it but it seems i have yet again underestimated her grey cells! the next night while putting her to bed Ozzy and Leah explained again how when they got married heather would be her Aunty heather and mom would be her grandma and so on and so forth and I would be her Aunty Alpha. "NO" said Kiara, Ozzy&Leah, confuzled, asked why on earth not? and Kiara said "because sometimes she likes to be called AUNTY FIFI". hahaha you won't believe how happy i was to hear that! so now i'm officially Aunty Fifi....
Love to all,
Aunty Fifi

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Tuna and Forgetfulness

You know how you get so caught up with work that you forget it's your day off? i was like that last night. 3 times i started making my sandwich for lunch the next day (today) and then suddenly realized that i didn't need to because it was my day off! it was such a weird feeling. but at least i have the tuna all made for tomorrow's lunch...
on another note....i'll be uploading new pictures soon when i have some more time! so stay tuned folks!

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

So lately i've been reading my friends blogs and feeling quite discouraged about my own seems pretty boring compared to theirs. And believe me you don't have to tell me it isn't cuz i know it is. so i've decided to turn over a new leaf and blog about something interesting.
like my work day.
but seriously, let me tell you what i did today:
first, i was late getting up, which isn't so bad when you come to think about it because it means i got to sleep in for an extra few minutes! but it sure sped my morning up, grabbing a banana on my way out the door and trying to find my stupid car keys in my bottomless-pit-of-a-purse. and my room was still a mess. of course not that it ever isn't but still, i've been trying to turn over a new leaf recently by actually putting my clothing in my drawers instead of putting them on the chair. and making my bed properly. yes, for those of you who don't know, i actually am a messy person.
second, the load from Costco was SO late today and it was TEN WHOLE PALLETS!! so from 11:30-5:30 (with a 5 minute lunch break and another 5 minute lunch break) i finished off 4 pallets! and i felt pretty accomplished. so if tomorrow Hannah can finish off 2 more pallets i can easily finish the load on Thursday (assuming nothing goes wrong and i make it to work on time and Nancy decides to come in and do the clothing and Dad hires a new secretary so that Ozzy can come down and deal with his big pigsty in the middles section of the back and Hannah doesn't have to leave early to do the post office stuff.....).
third, it was 5:30 about 5 minutes after 5:00 (time passes fast when you're really working) and before i knew it i had to race out the door so Rob could lock up and i still hadn't finished sweeping the back up so it wasn't too bad for Hannah when she goes in tomorrow and the cart was full of stuff to be put out on the shelves!
fourth, i got home and ate dinner (which was fabulous, Mom, you're a great cook and i hope i can cook like you can someday). it was relaxing.
fifth, here i am! sitting at the computer listening to "Lucky For Me" by Aaron Pritchett and blogging the biggest blog i've ever blogged before!! WOW!! i deserve a gold star or something!
and now i think i'll go read my Bible cuz i feel pretty dry right now.
Aunty Fifi