Sunday, January 28, 2007


Oh i forgot to tell everyone about my bro Ozzy!! he asked Leah to marry him and she said yes! so i guess you could say they're engaged now...
That sounds so wierd!!
But its really cool and I'm very happy for them...and i'll be an aunty for the second time!!!!
I don't have a picture of both of them but as soon as I do i'll add it. so stay tuned.....

great music and great blog

i heard this amazing group sing at Missionsfest called Rescue. and their album is excellent. if you ever come across them somewhere, buy an album. seriously, they're so good.
oh and we all know Keith Urban is the best country singer ever so we won't go into that here....
for those of you who know my sister Heather (and even those who don't), she has a great blog called Happy Heather's Hullabaloo. lemme see if i can add a link to it cuz everyone should read it. its really funny.
there. it worked. be sure to check it out.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

resolutions? no way...

so my sister did a post about her New Years resolutions. i personally don't make any, unless they span a few years, and they're never about diets or excercise because who follows those things for more than a month after New Years anyways? i just have lifelong goals like: 1. get married. 2. buy a car. 3. go travelling. 4. have lots of kids.
but anyways, good luck with your resolutions even if i don't agree with them!
Happy New Year!