Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Snow Daze

Well everyone I'm back safe and sound from Kelowna (albeit a day late due to road conditions).
Driving the coquihalla was definitely an adventure to remember. I almost turned back at the toll booth it was snowing so hard, but figured i'd come that far and i might as well keep going. Creeping along at 40kph. Sliding like mad. Having loads of fun. And about 2 1/2 hours later i arrived at work! Just in time for Hannah to leave at 1:30. God definitely kept me safe on that journey, without his incredible protection i might just be dead on the side of the road in an overturned car in the snow!
And now? Home again. Going to bed. Work tomorrow.
Goodnight all!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Adventures in the Dark Part 2

sorry about that folks, i was called away for dinner and had to post an unfinished blog. but the rest of the story is pretty tame, we just wandered around the store in pitch blackness, so dark you could almost FEEL it.....and i only realized now that the emergency lights didn't even go on! what is WITH that! cool.
so anyways, at 2 the power went out and at 2:45, after making sure all the light switches were in the off position, i was on my way home! a full half day off! pretty sweet. i tidied my room and went shopping and bummed around.
so ya thats all for now, if you want more on the adventures of alpha you'll have to wait because this week has been pretty boring.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Adventures in the Dark

Today started out like any other work day. I dragged myself out of bed at the crack of dawn, woke up in the shower (literally, i was seriously still asleep when i got up. in fact, its a wonder i wasn't still wearing my pjs in the shower), and drove to work while stuffing a banana in my mouth.
but then everything changed.
Power Outage!!!!
2 o'clock and all of a sudden the lights blinked off, and the store was plunged into darkness.