Sunday, October 19, 2008


1. Having the strength exhausted by toil or exertion; worn out in respect to strength, endurance, etc; tired, fatigued.
2. Causing weariness; tiresome.
3.  Having one's patience, relish, or contentment exhausted; tired; sick.

This word describes how i feel right now in respect to waiting.  I am weary of waiting.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Moe Window Troubles In The Lives Of Alpha, Jack, And Retta.

The strangest thing happened the other day.  
I got into my car after physio and fired up ye old engines, so far so good, but all of a sudden two of my windows (front driver side and back other side if you get my drift) ABORTED and COMMITTED SUICIDE.   ie they started going down.  No problem for the front window, its the one in my car that actually works and at the half-way point i pressed the button and up it came safe and sound.  Not so lucky for the back window!!  It is one of the three windows in my car that DOES NOT WORK (or, isn't supposed to work because the mechanic was SUPPOSED to have fixed them so they do not go down at all.....obviously he didn't).  and it didn't just slide down gracefully like a window should normally.  no. it dropped.  it plunged.  it plummeted. whichever word you prefer. just let it suffice to say that when it stopped it only had 1/2 cm showing.  
bummer! now what?! 
Well, i got out of my car and after about 2 minutes in the pouring rain i had coaxed the window up about 4 or 5 inches with my fingertips and then it just would not budge anymore.  Now sometimes if i press the button it will actually work and go up so i figured it wouldn't hurt to try it. I got back into the car and pushed the button.  No such luck this time!! I grumpily got out of the car and tried pulling it up again and it went up another inch but no further.  
Suddenly, out of the blue, randomly, a strange guy gets out of his car next to me (i had no idea he was there, probably laughing his head off at my efforts....) and strikes up a conversation by saying something like "having trouble with your window?",  'yes you dummy isn't it obvious' i thought (thankfully i didn't say it out loud),  and graciously said "yes it has a mind of its own".  really dumb reply i know.  but whatever, irrelevant to the story.  He tried his luck at pulling the window up but it didn't budge.  I had a strange feeling (prompted by the Holy Spirit probably) that i should try the button again, so while the strange dude stood by watching i climbed back into the car and pressed the up button.  
flabbergasted i got out of the car and went around and stood there like an idiot in the rain and stared at the window muttering under my breath and laughing at the same time in sheer relief.   "well thats that i guess!" i said.  The dude piped up "what you need now is a wedge".
what the heck is a wedge?  how would i find a wedge?  
Well guess what the guy does now?  Reaches into his pocket a pulls out a wedge!!!!  HOW RANDOM IS THAT!??  i was speechless. 
He reaches in the front right window and wedges this little wedge (Will called it a shimy? but who cares either word will do) between the glass of the window and the door.  "there, that should stay up now" the guy says.  I turned to him "dude. you are a freaking genius!!!" i say and thank him as he gets into his car and drives away.
And then i drove home safe and dry in my car with all my windows up!  That, my friends, was the high of my week.  Seriously the most random thing that has ever happened to me.  I felt like God had sent me help even before i'd thought to ask him, despite my bad attitude!  and boy did i ever change my attitude after that!!  
Happy Hunting!