Well, the time has come for the big switch. I've recently discovered (or been forced to discover by numerous friends) Tumblr and have just fallen in love with the amazing simplicity of it all. So, henceforth, i will be blogging/posting photos with my new Tumblr account. You will find me at http://alphadavies.tumblr.com from now on (Unless i get tired of it and decide to switch back. Which is actually a large possibility. I am prone to doing stuff like that.)
Thanks for reading!
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Monday, September 26, 2011
Crunchy Crunchers!
You know that feeling of crunching fall leaves underfoot? The smell of an apple pie baking? The sight of a bright orange pumpkin on someone's front porch?
Fall is here folks, FALL IS HERE!
Do you ever find yourself walking a few feet out of the way just to see how crunchy a leaf on the sidewalk is? I do this all the time. In fact, if you ever go for a walk with me during the Fall season it could turn out to be quite an adventure....Maybe it's something in the air, the crisp tingling in your nose as you breathe in deep and savour the smells of awesomeness, or just the fact that I am a kid at heart (most likely!), that will make me chase down that "perfect" fall leaf and jump on it until it is a little pile of dust. Oh the satisfying feeling of crunching a crunchy cruncher!
Also winners: swerving while biking just to hit one, or jumping in a huge pile that you (or someone else ;)) has spent a good hour piling up.
Fall is here folks, FALL IS HERE!
Do you ever find yourself walking a few feet out of the way just to see how crunchy a leaf on the sidewalk is? I do this all the time. In fact, if you ever go for a walk with me during the Fall season it could turn out to be quite an adventure....Maybe it's something in the air, the crisp tingling in your nose as you breathe in deep and savour the smells of awesomeness, or just the fact that I am a kid at heart (most likely!), that will make me chase down that "perfect" fall leaf and jump on it until it is a little pile of dust. Oh the satisfying feeling of crunching a crunchy cruncher!
Also winners: swerving while biking just to hit one, or jumping in a huge pile that you (or someone else ;)) has spent a good hour piling up.
Highlights and Lowlights.
Cavendish Beach Provincial Park, P.E.I.
Esther and I camped here for a night. It was the most beautiful campground location I've ever seen, our tent was mere feet from the ocean and we fell asleep (and woke up) to the sound of waves on the shore and Canada geese overhead. Winner situation! We spent an afternoon/evening running around on the beach and sliding down sand dunes. I ALSO found a ton of heart rocks, currently residing in a plastic bag in the back of Scarlett. My collection is growing!
Esther and I camped here for a night. It was the most beautiful campground location I've ever seen, our tent was mere feet from the ocean and we fell asleep (and woke up) to the sound of waves on the shore and Canada geese overhead. Winner situation! We spent an afternoon/evening running around on the beach and sliding down sand dunes. I ALSO found a ton of heart rocks, currently residing in a plastic bag in the back of Scarlett. My collection is growing!
Green Gables, P.E.I.
Yes folks! I saw it! And was extremely disappointed!
I am a huge Anne Of Green Gables fan, I've watched the movie and read the books countless times, so I was pretty excited to see where everything happened. I knew previously that P.E.I. had become really tourist-y but I wasn't prepared for the full extent of it. I was so disappointed! First of all, you had to PAY to get into the house (I didn't, I begged the man at the wicket to let me in to just take a picture of the exterior and he was very obliging), I ended up just walking around it and down Lover's Lane and through the Haunted Wood (best parts!). And, even though it is the off-season, there were huge tour buses with masses of tourists who (I'm going to be very bitter here so bear with me) had probably NEVER even read the books! ANGRY RAGE!!!
I did, however, get the obligatory pictures. I mean, I couldn't go all the way without getting at least one. It IS Green Gables after all...
Also, here's something awesome for you to chew on:
Philippians 2.1-11
So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, and participation in the Spirit, and affection and sympathy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being of full accord and of one mind. Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant that yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself to becoming obedient to death, even death on a cross. Therefore God has exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Considering how far we've come on our roadtrip (Esther and Scarlett and I),
i figured it was high time to update my blog.
The 2 pictures below are from 2 of my favorite places so far,
Old Woman Bay on Lake Superior and Le Basilique Notre-Dame in Montreal.
Both came at JUST the right moment.....
Old Woman Bay, ON
La Basilique Notre-Dame, Montreal QC
Visiting the Basilica was a really significant time for myself (and Esther). I'd woken up in a complete muck, not sure why things were so...foggy?...in my mind so we stopped at Starbucks to have a bible + coffee break. I'd been reading Hebrews lately so I opened up to chapter 7, and about 1/2 way through the chapter I realized what God was saying to me. Let me tell you, I almost started crying right there! (Side Note or maybe not so "side": you should read Hebrews 7. Go do it now. It's absolutely wonderful.) Anyways, God completely lifted the fog from my brain. And visiting the Basilica ties into all this because the moment I walked in it was like the peace of God descended on me. We spent quite a while in there just praying and being still, and left really refreshed. If you ever get a chance to visit Montreal make sure you take the time to stop by the Basilica. It will be well worth your time! (Also, ridiculously beautiful, have you seen the picture???)
Old Woman Bay was just a really really wonderful break in a 30 hour drive. We drove around a corner and all of a sudden it was right in front of us. "Should we?" asked Esther and then just pulled into the parking lot. Good decision! The sun was just going down, the waves were HUGE and blue and crashing on the shore (soft white sand....mmmm) and we were basically the only people there. Oh and then yes, we drove for 30 hours. So it was a good thing we stopped there.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Ah, new music...
There's nothing quite like getting a new cd from a favorite artist. Especially if it's FREE music...
Like i've said before, Josh Garrels is phenomenally talented and his new album is no exception. If you go to Noisetrade.com you can download the entire album, Love & War & The Sea In Between, for free. Seriously, it will blow your mind. He is a lyrical and musical genius.
What else can I say? Once again he has created a musical masterpiece. Listen to it, soak it in. Then listen to it again. And again.
Current favorite songs from this album: Pilot Me, Revelator, Flood Waters, Farther Along, Slip Away, Rise, Million Miles.
Like i've said before, Josh Garrels is phenomenally talented and his new album is no exception. If you go to Noisetrade.com you can download the entire album, Love & War & The Sea In Between, for free. Seriously, it will blow your mind. He is a lyrical and musical genius.
What else can I say? Once again he has created a musical masterpiece. Listen to it, soak it in. Then listen to it again. And again.
Current favorite songs from this album: Pilot Me, Revelator, Flood Waters, Farther Along, Slip Away, Rise, Million Miles.
Friday, July 8, 2011
Never Have I Found
Josh Garrels is one of my favorite artists and more often than not I find myself using his words to describe certain aspects of my life. This particular song is one of my favorites so I thought I'd share the lyrics with you, also feel free to grooveshark it up for yourself...
Never Have I Foundby Josh Garrels
I walked under the blood red moon
At night when wolves gather 'round
And I've spent some time with the devil
But never have I found
Another one like you
Oh Lord
And I've tasted too many temptations
And I've been chased by a demon hound
Lord I just can't be satisfied
Because never have I found
Another one like you
Oh Lord
And your love
Because never have I found
Another one like you
Oh Lord
And your love
Friday, June 24, 2011
These are a few of my favorite things
I've decided to start compiling lists of my favorite things. Haven't decided why yet, but it's just something to do to waste time. Here goes!
- Songs: Whiskey Lullaby sung by Brad Paisley and Alison Krauss; Creation Song by Josh Garrells; House of God, Forever by Jon Foreman; River Constantine by Jars of Clay
- Musicians/Bands: Jars of Clay; Alison Krauss; Switchfoot; Jon Foreman; Josh Garrells; Bon Iver!!
- Macaroni and cheese! so simple yet SO AMAZING :)
- Grooveshark.com
- 1000awesomethings.com
- xkcd.com
Places For Picnics:
- Lighthouse Park
- Queen Elizabeth Park
- Burnaby Mountain
- Bridgeman's Bluff
- Songs: Whiskey Lullaby sung by Brad Paisley and Alison Krauss; Creation Song by Josh Garrells; House of God, Forever by Jon Foreman; River Constantine by Jars of Clay
- Musicians/Bands: Jars of Clay; Alison Krauss; Switchfoot; Jon Foreman; Josh Garrells; Bon Iver!!
- Macaroni and cheese! so simple yet SO AMAZING :)
- Grooveshark.com
- 1000awesomethings.com
- xkcd.com
Places For Picnics:
- Lighthouse Park
- Queen Elizabeth Park
- Burnaby Mountain
- Bridgeman's Bluff
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
I am an introvert.
Growing up I saw my introversion or shyness as something I needed to change, something that was bad, something that was wrong. I was always surrounded by people and noise and activity and I would always tend to shrink away from it all and retreat into my own little world (usually a book :) ). As I got older this got worse, and I would try sometimes to mimic my older outgoing siblings, I admired their friendly and sociable ways and wanted to be like that myself (and although I CAN be like that my first response is usually to be quiet and subdued). However that wasn't me, and as a result when they all left home and went their separate ways I was left stranded with no idea who the real me was.
That's where God came in.
Coming into the Barnabas internship program I had NO IDEA what to expect. I had no expectations and no "hopes" of what would happen, I knew God had called me to be there so I was just there. And then one day Mark Warren came and spent a day with us doing the Myers-Briggs test (for those of you who don't know, the Myers-Briggs is a personality test designed originally to figure out which jobs people would be best suited for).
As I read my profile assessment that afternoon (INFP) it was as if a whole new me stepped out of the shadows and into the light. Except I was amazed to find out that it was the
same person
that had always been there! I realized that basically all the perceived bad things about my personality that were different from my siblings were actually an integral part of me. I remember going to bed that night and crying myself to sleep because I was so happy to be ME and have it be a good thing, something I'd never seen in myself before.
Over the next couple of months as I started to accept these things as normal God was slowly molding me and shaping me into a better me than I thought could ever exist. It was an incredibly freeing experience! I began to embrace quiet times instead of seeing them as "just trying to escape". I enjoyed spending one-on-one time with other people. I LOVED spending time alone with God, and as a result my relationship with Him was deepened and strengthened. I came back from Barnabas a "new" person.
Now let me just clarify what introversion and extroversion are. Wikipedia puts it best I think: "Introverts are people whose energy tends to expand through reflection and dwindle during interaction. Introverts tend to be more reserved and less outspoken in large groups." and "An extraverted person is likely to enjoy time spent with people and find less reward in time spent alone. They tend to be energized when around other people, and they are more prone to boredom when they are by themselves."
Now that I'm back at Barnabas for a whole summer I have to learn to deal with large amounts of people every day, starting tomorrow with the rest of the staff arriving for orientation. I mentioned to Christina today that before the internship I would have jumped at the chance to prove myself more outgoing with lots of new people around (despite the fact that I would be uncomfortable with it) and now I'm almost dreading losing the peace and solitude.
But boy oh boy I sure love being me!
Growing up I saw my introversion or shyness as something I needed to change, something that was bad, something that was wrong. I was always surrounded by people and noise and activity and I would always tend to shrink away from it all and retreat into my own little world (usually a book :) ). As I got older this got worse, and I would try sometimes to mimic my older outgoing siblings, I admired their friendly and sociable ways and wanted to be like that myself (and although I CAN be like that my first response is usually to be quiet and subdued). However that wasn't me, and as a result when they all left home and went their separate ways I was left stranded with no idea who the real me was.
That's where God came in.
Coming into the Barnabas internship program I had NO IDEA what to expect. I had no expectations and no "hopes" of what would happen, I knew God had called me to be there so I was just there. And then one day Mark Warren came and spent a day with us doing the Myers-Briggs test (for those of you who don't know, the Myers-Briggs is a personality test designed originally to figure out which jobs people would be best suited for).
As I read my profile assessment that afternoon (INFP) it was as if a whole new me stepped out of the shadows and into the light. Except I was amazed to find out that it was the
same person
that had always been there! I realized that basically all the perceived bad things about my personality that were different from my siblings were actually an integral part of me. I remember going to bed that night and crying myself to sleep because I was so happy to be ME and have it be a good thing, something I'd never seen in myself before.
Over the next couple of months as I started to accept these things as normal God was slowly molding me and shaping me into a better me than I thought could ever exist. It was an incredibly freeing experience! I began to embrace quiet times instead of seeing them as "just trying to escape". I enjoyed spending one-on-one time with other people. I LOVED spending time alone with God, and as a result my relationship with Him was deepened and strengthened. I came back from Barnabas a "new" person.
Now let me just clarify what introversion and extroversion are. Wikipedia puts it best I think: "Introverts are people whose energy tends to expand through reflection and dwindle during interaction. Introverts tend to be more reserved and less outspoken in large groups." and "An extraverted person is likely to enjoy time spent with people and find less reward in time spent alone. They tend to be energized when around other people, and they are more prone to boredom when they are by themselves."
Now that I'm back at Barnabas for a whole summer I have to learn to deal with large amounts of people every day, starting tomorrow with the rest of the staff arriving for orientation. I mentioned to Christina today that before the internship I would have jumped at the chance to prove myself more outgoing with lots of new people around (despite the fact that I would be uncomfortable with it) and now I'm almost dreading losing the peace and solitude.
But boy oh boy I sure love being me!
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
3 Candles
The other day Will and I had a interesting conversation at the dinner table. It all began with three birthday cupcakes for Hannah, each with one candle. Will hypothesized that what if your age depended entirely on how many candles you blew out on your birthday every year? For example I am 23, but if on my next birthday I choose to only blow out 23 candles I would still be only 23...see where I'm going with this? Basically you could live forever! I could keep on blowing out only 23 candles on my birthday, year after year after year, forever 23.
Now, ponder this: what if you chose to blow out zero candles? Would you die? And in that case I speculated that it would simply turn into a method for killing someone. Stop them from blowing out their birthday candles and they would die. OR force them to blow out a few hundred candles and they would instantly age to an impossible age. But if this whole candle business was legit maybe you COULD age to an impossible age? Hypothetically someone could live for 300 years and still "only be" 23...correct?
And to top it all off you could be "23" years old but with the wisdom of 300 years.
In other news, guess who made it to round 3? THE CANUCKS! WOOOOOOT!!!
and oh yes.....
Happy Birthday Hannah! <3
Now, ponder this: what if you chose to blow out zero candles? Would you die? And in that case I speculated that it would simply turn into a method for killing someone. Stop them from blowing out their birthday candles and they would die. OR force them to blow out a few hundred candles and they would instantly age to an impossible age. But if this whole candle business was legit maybe you COULD age to an impossible age? Hypothetically someone could live for 300 years and still "only be" 23...correct?
And to top it all off you could be "23" years old but with the wisdom of 300 years.
In other news, guess who made it to round 3? THE CANUCKS! WOOOOOOT!!!
and oh yes.....
Happy Birthday Hannah! <3
Friday, April 15, 2011
The Playoffs
Well folks, playoff hockey is finally here. And along with it the jitters, chewed up nails, chewed up white towels and snacks i can't eat....
There's something so incredibly delicious about watching a playoff game as opposed to a regular season match-up. For one, it's WAY more intense. A regular season game can be watched with a mug of hot tea on your knee and 3 conversations going on simultaneously. This is not the case with the playoffs. The playoffs involve your entire concentration and emotional involvement (whether you want it or not).
The first period starts off not too badly, you're excited to be watching the game and are still settling into your seat. A couple of hits and a goal later and you are chewing your nails off, alternately screaming in anticipation or groaning over a missed shot.
2nd period rolls around and your nerves are starting to fray. The sound of the puck pinging off the goal post, Luongo wasn't ready for that one...the white dishtowel in your hand doubles as a muffle for your yells or a celebratory flag, waving triumphantly. Go Canucks Go! Maybe this could be the year we actually go all the way?...
3rd period. The enemy scores. We score. The enemy scores again. Time is counting down and your nerves are frazzled, heart beating fast, towel clutched in your sweaty hands as you twist it round and round, watching as the play becomes more and more frantic.
The horn blows. You breath a huge sigh of relief, exhaling 2 hours of pent up frustrations, and relax your shoulders. The Canucks live to play another game!
The run may be long or it may be devastatingly short. Enjoy it while you can folks, and cheer for the Canucks!
There's something so incredibly delicious about watching a playoff game as opposed to a regular season match-up. For one, it's WAY more intense. A regular season game can be watched with a mug of hot tea on your knee and 3 conversations going on simultaneously. This is not the case with the playoffs. The playoffs involve your entire concentration and emotional involvement (whether you want it or not).
The first period starts off not too badly, you're excited to be watching the game and are still settling into your seat. A couple of hits and a goal later and you are chewing your nails off, alternately screaming in anticipation or groaning over a missed shot.
2nd period rolls around and your nerves are starting to fray. The sound of the puck pinging off the goal post, Luongo wasn't ready for that one...the white dishtowel in your hand doubles as a muffle for your yells or a celebratory flag, waving triumphantly. Go Canucks Go! Maybe this could be the year we actually go all the way?...
3rd period. The enemy scores. We score. The enemy scores again. Time is counting down and your nerves are frazzled, heart beating fast, towel clutched in your sweaty hands as you twist it round and round, watching as the play becomes more and more frantic.
The horn blows. You breath a huge sigh of relief, exhaling 2 hours of pent up frustrations, and relax your shoulders. The Canucks live to play another game!
The run may be long or it may be devastatingly short. Enjoy it while you can folks, and cheer for the Canucks!
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
It's an update from the land of Barnabas!!
For all of you who are/were wondering, I have been doing really well lately (and before lately too :P ). I'm getting excited to be spending a summer here beginning in June as an assistant cook, and this week has been great prep for that.
We currently have a 5 day group in called Arrow. They arrived Sunday afternoon in time for dinner and leave Friday morning. Arrow groups are known not only for their incredible speakers (I have yet to hear one...maybe tomorrow if i have time) but also for their crazy early breakfasts (7.30) and the vast amounts of coffee they consume. The coffee isn't a huge problem for me (it might help that I'm not the one making it...:) ) but the early breakfasts are. Eating at 7.30am means getting up at 5am for me.
Yesterday (the first morning) was ok for me. I got up at 5am, showered, dressed, and being the eager beaver that I am, went down to the kitchen 10 minutes early to make myself a cup of tea.
By the time breakfast rolled around I felt like I had been run over by a truck.
As I sat in the dining room with my plate of food I could feel myself fading fast, but after eating and clearing and doing lunch prep my strength returned slightly. That afternoon after lunch as I stood in the dining room yet again setting tables for the next meal I glanced out the door to see a man in his running gear tearing up the hill. "OH!" I thought "How lovely would it be to go for a run during my break"! I suddenly had a terrible urge to do just that and so when dinner prep was done the sporadic afternoon sunshine found me breezing through the forest to Plumper Cove.
"This is great, these early mornings really aren't so bad after all" was the thought running through my clearly caffeine saturated brain.....I should have napped.
This morning I woke up later than my alarm clock (apparently i turned it off and went back to sleep? yup.) and practically fell out of bed. My burst of stamina lasted all of 1/2 an hour and then my energy was completely sapped. I honestly don't know how I made it through the morning, I almost fell asleep during lunch, my tiredness was past the point of hyper-laugh-at-everything-even-if-it's-not-funny point and into the phase of if-only-I-make-it-to-break-time-so-I-can-nap-forever. And nap I did! No more runs for me this week thank you very much :P.
And now...It's 9.40pm and WAY past my bedtime. Everyone else in the Shep is in bed, it's warm and cozy and I'll sleep well tonight.
So aside from the early mornings it's been a good experience. I just need to learn to discipline myself to nap in the afternoons and drink lots of coffee. And no more runs. And go to bed earlier.
I daresay I'm turning into quite the sensible person.....almost an adult....NOT!
Your prayers are appreciated...I miss you all
P.S. I would love it if you sent me letters, I love getting things in the mail...just saying...if any of you feel the urge....;)
For all of you who are/were wondering, I have been doing really well lately (and before lately too :P ). I'm getting excited to be spending a summer here beginning in June as an assistant cook, and this week has been great prep for that.
We currently have a 5 day group in called Arrow. They arrived Sunday afternoon in time for dinner and leave Friday morning. Arrow groups are known not only for their incredible speakers (I have yet to hear one...maybe tomorrow if i have time) but also for their crazy early breakfasts (7.30) and the vast amounts of coffee they consume. The coffee isn't a huge problem for me (it might help that I'm not the one making it...:) ) but the early breakfasts are. Eating at 7.30am means getting up at 5am for me.
Yesterday (the first morning) was ok for me. I got up at 5am, showered, dressed, and being the eager beaver that I am, went down to the kitchen 10 minutes early to make myself a cup of tea.
By the time breakfast rolled around I felt like I had been run over by a truck.
As I sat in the dining room with my plate of food I could feel myself fading fast, but after eating and clearing and doing lunch prep my strength returned slightly. That afternoon after lunch as I stood in the dining room yet again setting tables for the next meal I glanced out the door to see a man in his running gear tearing up the hill. "OH!" I thought "How lovely would it be to go for a run during my break"! I suddenly had a terrible urge to do just that and so when dinner prep was done the sporadic afternoon sunshine found me breezing through the forest to Plumper Cove.
"This is great, these early mornings really aren't so bad after all" was the thought running through my clearly caffeine saturated brain.....I should have napped.
This morning I woke up later than my alarm clock (apparently i turned it off and went back to sleep? yup.) and practically fell out of bed. My burst of stamina lasted all of 1/2 an hour and then my energy was completely sapped. I honestly don't know how I made it through the morning, I almost fell asleep during lunch, my tiredness was past the point of hyper-laugh-at-everything-even-if-it's-not-funny point and into the phase of if-only-I-make-it-to-break-time-so-I-can-nap-forever. And nap I did! No more runs for me this week thank you very much :P.
And now...It's 9.40pm and WAY past my bedtime. Everyone else in the Shep is in bed, it's warm and cozy and I'll sleep well tonight.
So aside from the early mornings it's been a good experience. I just need to learn to discipline myself to nap in the afternoons and drink lots of coffee. And no more runs. And go to bed earlier.
I daresay I'm turning into quite the sensible person.....almost an adult....NOT!
Your prayers are appreciated...I miss you all
P.S. I would love it if you sent me letters, I love getting things in the mail...just saying...if any of you feel the urge....;)
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Life is good!
Today i'm sitting on our couch in the Shep, soft classical music (Beethoven) is playing the background, i'm sipping a mug of hot Indian cardamom tea. Outside is a torrent of rain, inside warm. Life is good. Life. Is. Good.
Off to Kathy and Rob's for dinner and discussion!
Off to Kathy and Rob's for dinner and discussion!
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Weekend Review (in short form)
Well, the Young Adult Weekend is over! It was an absolute blast having everybody here, seeing old friends and making new ones. The weather was incredible (a definite answer to prayer!), sunshine all weekend long, glorious mountains and blue skies. What a fantastic combination.
We were blessed to have Tyler and Emma Milley speak with us and their willingness to be open and vulnerable and attentive to the Holy Spirit is something i look up to a lot. Also having Tyler plan the music with me was GREAT! It took a lot of pressure off of me. I tend to volunteer for things like that because i really like music but when it comes down to the nitty gritty details of planning a large portion of me dies inside.....yay for Tyler! It was fantastic to have a bunch of the guests take part as well, Leonard, Dan, Thomas, Chantel, Holly, David, Mary, Emily, John, Sarah, Trish, and i'm sure i'm forgetting some others...but you know who you are and a huge thank-you is due to you!
The theme of the weekend was "If You Really Knew Me....", and we focused on how we were discovering our identity in Christ. For all of us this meant different things, but it was amazing to see how they tied into the same common threads. For myself it was about how i struggle with loneliness and accepting the fact that i'm a forgiven and loved child of God, and how God has been healing me of that over the past few years. It was encouraging for me to see over the course of the weekend how many other people struggled with the same things, especially loneliness. The knowledge that we are not alone in our struggles is healing in itself and a lot of people realized that. God is so good!
I know a lot of people were praying for this weekend and i would just like to say how much those prayers were appreciated. God moved in a powerful way and it was AMAZING to see!
Love you all
We were blessed to have Tyler and Emma Milley speak with us and their willingness to be open and vulnerable and attentive to the Holy Spirit is something i look up to a lot. Also having Tyler plan the music with me was GREAT! It took a lot of pressure off of me. I tend to volunteer for things like that because i really like music but when it comes down to the nitty gritty details of planning a large portion of me dies inside.....yay for Tyler! It was fantastic to have a bunch of the guests take part as well, Leonard, Dan, Thomas, Chantel, Holly, David, Mary, Emily, John, Sarah, Trish, and i'm sure i'm forgetting some others...but you know who you are and a huge thank-you is due to you!
The theme of the weekend was "If You Really Knew Me....", and we focused on how we were discovering our identity in Christ. For all of us this meant different things, but it was amazing to see how they tied into the same common threads. For myself it was about how i struggle with loneliness and accepting the fact that i'm a forgiven and loved child of God, and how God has been healing me of that over the past few years. It was encouraging for me to see over the course of the weekend how many other people struggled with the same things, especially loneliness. The knowledge that we are not alone in our struggles is healing in itself and a lot of people realized that. God is so good!
I know a lot of people were praying for this weekend and i would just like to say how much those prayers were appreciated. God moved in a powerful way and it was AMAZING to see!
Love you all
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Just Life
The weather today was absolutely phenomenal. It began this morning with sunshine and loveliness, blue skies but cold air. Then it began to cloud over, the rain started to drizzle down. Lunch rolled around and all of a sudden Helliki was pointing out the window at the crazy HAIL that was being dumped down! Hail! How marvelous! Hail quickly turned to slushy snow, slushy snow to SNOWY snow (picture me screaming like a banshee and running down Main Street), and then back to rain, and then snow again. oh wait but then it rained some more...and then it stopped for a while. and then the clouds got reeeeally dark and it started raining again. It's currently not precipitating but the mist is hiding the mountains and Gambier is far from sight.
I love it!
Something horrible happened this morning. I put on my gorgeous fire-engine red wellies and noticed a mark on the right toe. UH OH it wasn't a mark, it was a MASSIVE GOUGE!! I have no idea how the heck it got there, i have no recollection of stubbing my foot or dropping anything on myself or leaving my wellies where something could've dropped and made a hole.....
Oh well. Duct tape will fix it.
I'm starting to get slightly nervous about the Young Adult Weekend (it starts tomorrow!!!). We really want people to be vulnerable and open and for that to happen we need to be open and vulnerable ourselves. On Saturday morning i'll be sharing a bit and piece of my life. It will be deep. Maybe deeper than i've ever shared with my closest of friends. But i want to set a precedent of openness that hopefully the guests will follow, enabling them to grow closer to each other and to God.
The problem i have is putting my thoughts into words.
I'm worried that i won't be able to convey clearly what i'm wanting to, well, convey. And also (selfishly) i don't want to look like an idiot.
Trying much too hard
To be the Holy Spirit
Just let go, let God.
I like haikus.
Would you pray for me?
I love it!
Something horrible happened this morning. I put on my gorgeous fire-engine red wellies and noticed a mark on the right toe. UH OH it wasn't a mark, it was a MASSIVE GOUGE!! I have no idea how the heck it got there, i have no recollection of stubbing my foot or dropping anything on myself or leaving my wellies where something could've dropped and made a hole.....
Oh well. Duct tape will fix it.
I'm starting to get slightly nervous about the Young Adult Weekend (it starts tomorrow!!!). We really want people to be vulnerable and open and for that to happen we need to be open and vulnerable ourselves. On Saturday morning i'll be sharing a bit and piece of my life. It will be deep. Maybe deeper than i've ever shared with my closest of friends. But i want to set a precedent of openness that hopefully the guests will follow, enabling them to grow closer to each other and to God.
The problem i have is putting my thoughts into words.
I'm worried that i won't be able to convey clearly what i'm wanting to, well, convey. And also (selfishly) i don't want to look like an idiot.
Trying much too hard
To be the Holy Spirit
Just let go, let God.
I like haikus.
Would you pray for me?
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Things I see out my window
1. Ferries. They pass all day long. Big and white and sleek, sometimes shining in the sunlight, other times appearing suddenly out of the fog. On a calm night we can even hear them gliding by, the sounds of the motors carrying across the silent dark waters (poetic i know. but thats really exactly how it is!)
2. Eagles. They are everywhere! There's a tree just down the hill toward the pier that they sit in, perched precariously at the top looking majestic and superb. The turn their heads and survey the land (which happens to be Barnabas) like they own it all. I love watching them!
3. Clouds. They happen a lot around here...must be that time of year. They hide the nearby mountains, once in a while allowing a small glimpse of their majesty and grandeur, or SOMETIMES (on very rare occasions i've found) they show the whole coastal mountain range that is visible from Keats. I've even seen Garibaldi! But more often than not they wreath the steps to heaven in mysterious cover, nearby Gambier peaks flirt with mist while the lower island is completely immersed. How romantic.
4. The ocean. Being as Barnabas is right on the waterfront we tend to see the ocean a lot. Obviously. For me it never gets old. The smell, the sounds, the ever-changing colours....I have yet to see a seal or otter or whale or sea animal of some variety but logs float by a lot and trick me into getting excited. And birds are always fooling me into thinking that at last a seal has appeared. I've decided that I will go swimming at least once a month while i'm here. I'm expecting a very very cold experience...also rather enjoyable i'm SURE. Ocean swimming is one of the more ridiculous things i enjoy (in a twisted sort of way).
5. SUNSHINE! In the time I've been here we've had TWO days of sun! And today is one of those days. I just peaked out the window and sunlight is illuminating the Barnabas hillside, the grass is green, the water is blue, the flag on the pier is blowing gently in the breeze.
I love it here.
2. Eagles. They are everywhere! There's a tree just down the hill toward the pier that they sit in, perched precariously at the top looking majestic and superb. The turn their heads and survey the land (which happens to be Barnabas) like they own it all. I love watching them!
3. Clouds. They happen a lot around here...must be that time of year. They hide the nearby mountains, once in a while allowing a small glimpse of their majesty and grandeur, or SOMETIMES (on very rare occasions i've found) they show the whole coastal mountain range that is visible from Keats. I've even seen Garibaldi! But more often than not they wreath the steps to heaven in mysterious cover, nearby Gambier peaks flirt with mist while the lower island is completely immersed. How romantic.
4. The ocean. Being as Barnabas is right on the waterfront we tend to see the ocean a lot. Obviously. For me it never gets old. The smell, the sounds, the ever-changing colours....I have yet to see a seal or otter or whale or sea animal of some variety but logs float by a lot and trick me into getting excited. And birds are always fooling me into thinking that at last a seal has appeared. I've decided that I will go swimming at least once a month while i'm here. I'm expecting a very very cold experience...also rather enjoyable i'm SURE. Ocean swimming is one of the more ridiculous things i enjoy (in a twisted sort of way).
5. SUNSHINE! In the time I've been here we've had TWO days of sun! And today is one of those days. I just peaked out the window and sunlight is illuminating the Barnabas hillside, the grass is green, the water is blue, the flag on the pier is blowing gently in the breeze.
I love it here.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Barnabas Young Adult Weekend. COME!
This post is mainly to encourage my peers to consider registering for the upcoming Young Adult Weekend here at Barnabas.
I wouldn't usually promote something like this, it's not something i enjoy doing...
But as the weekend draws closer and we get into serious planning mode I am becoming more and more excited about what God is going be doing in our hearts and lives during the retreat. It is going to be a fantastic weekend! We're partnering up with Tyler and Emma Milley (they've also done the past Young Adult Weekends) who are two amazing people with hearts after God. They have a special vision for encouraging and teaching young adults and leading them into deeper relationships with Jesus.
Not to mention we have tons of incredibly fun activities planned! Possibly (most likely) a themed dinner....maybe a campfire.....lots of time for hanging out (sitting in the hot tub, hiking, playing pool or other games, etc), and tons of time for just worshiping God and enjoying the incredible place that Barnabas is.
The retreat is running from February 18th to the 20th. I'm not too sure on how much the cost will be but last time it was only $75 (and that includes all your meals and accommodations PLUS incredible speakers!) which is an incredibly good deal for a retreat center like this for an entire weekend. So i'll be letting you guys know as soon as i find out!
Please come! I'd love to see more of my friends up here enjoying the beauty of this place, ALSO I miss you all very much and would love to see your beautiful faces. There, could you possibly need a better reason? :)
I wouldn't usually promote something like this, it's not something i enjoy doing...
But as the weekend draws closer and we get into serious planning mode I am becoming more and more excited about what God is going be doing in our hearts and lives during the retreat. It is going to be a fantastic weekend! We're partnering up with Tyler and Emma Milley (they've also done the past Young Adult Weekends) who are two amazing people with hearts after God. They have a special vision for encouraging and teaching young adults and leading them into deeper relationships with Jesus.
Not to mention we have tons of incredibly fun activities planned! Possibly (most likely) a themed dinner....maybe a campfire.....lots of time for hanging out (sitting in the hot tub, hiking, playing pool or other games, etc), and tons of time for just worshiping God and enjoying the incredible place that Barnabas is.
The retreat is running from February 18th to the 20th. I'm not too sure on how much the cost will be but last time it was only $75 (and that includes all your meals and accommodations PLUS incredible speakers!) which is an incredibly good deal for a retreat center like this for an entire weekend. So i'll be letting you guys know as soon as i find out!
Please come! I'd love to see more of my friends up here enjoying the beauty of this place, ALSO I miss you all very much and would love to see your beautiful faces. There, could you possibly need a better reason? :)
Thursday, January 20, 2011
White White Snow!
It snowed today! I woke up this morning, completely oblivious. Showered, dressed, went into the kitchen to find myself from brekky, and just happened to glance out of the window into the dark outerworld...."my it looks mighty frosty out there" I thought and then took a closer look (pressed my face against the glass) and gave a massive SHRIEK! The world was WHITE! and BEAUTIFUL! and SNOWY!
Anyways, it turned to slush this afternoon. Very disappointing.
So ya...that's all for now...just thought you guys might like to know that useful tidbit of information...
Anyways, it turned to slush this afternoon. Very disappointing.
So ya...that's all for now...just thought you guys might like to know that useful tidbit of information...
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Things I've learned at Barnabas:
1. Gumboots are amazing. i have worn mine every single day since i arrived. between the Shep and Applegate is a large large expanse of grassy MUD that i delight in squelching through every day!
2. The Bible is amazing. I knew this before but am rediscovering it again. Every day during Hour of Power God speaks to me through His Word and it is fresh and new and beautiful!
3. Barnabas is amazing. The view out my window is different every single day (and yet it's the same mountains!) and i never get tired of it.
4. My fellow interns are amazing! I fell in love with Anna and Christina the moment i saw them walk off the ferry and am loving growing closer to them every day. Brady i have known for years and i'm so glad he's here, a familiar face!
2. The Bible is amazing. I knew this before but am rediscovering it again. Every day during Hour of Power God speaks to me through His Word and it is fresh and new and beautiful!
3. Barnabas is amazing. The view out my window is different every single day (and yet it's the same mountains!) and i never get tired of it.
4. My fellow interns are amazing! I fell in love with Anna and Christina the moment i saw them walk off the ferry and am loving growing closer to them every day. Brady i have known for years and i'm so glad he's here, a familiar face!
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
First Impressions
So, I was fully expecting to arrive at Barnabas and have no internet or cell service because LAST time I was here that was the case. But, surprisingly enough I turned on my computer this afternoon and VOILA! Internet! So I thought I'd blog now (Brady informed me that its not often that we have wifi over at Shepherd's, the house we're staying in). And apparently if I walk out to the end of the pier down by the water there is usually pretty reliable cell reception. We'll see, I may just decide to turn my phone off altogether.
So far I've met Rob and Cathy (They run Barnabas), Phil and Evelyn (They do all the camp maintenance), Ruth (Who according to numerous people is the most awesome person ever. High expectations to live up to but I can already tell, as Anne Shirley would say, that she's going to be a "kindred spirit"), and of course the other interns Christina and Anna.
Out the window I can see the mountains behind Langdale, and two massive bald eagles circling overhead. It is overcast, cold, and getting dark. I've been told that tonight we will most likely have some snow! I'm glad about that, it'll be snowing in Vancouver tonight and I'll be missing it.
That's all for now, hopefully I'll be able to give a fuller update later, so check back!
So far I've met Rob and Cathy (They run Barnabas), Phil and Evelyn (They do all the camp maintenance), Ruth (Who according to numerous people is the most awesome person ever. High expectations to live up to but I can already tell, as Anne Shirley would say, that she's going to be a "kindred spirit"), and of course the other interns Christina and Anna.
Out the window I can see the mountains behind Langdale, and two massive bald eagles circling overhead. It is overcast, cold, and getting dark. I've been told that tonight we will most likely have some snow! I'm glad about that, it'll be snowing in Vancouver tonight and I'll be missing it.
That's all for now, hopefully I'll be able to give a fuller update later, so check back!
Monday, January 10, 2011
It was too good to last
See what i mean folks? This is what you have to look forward to over the next 3 months. Sporadic (at best) posting. Those 3 posts just sapped all blogging energy out of me. Yesterday i sat here for 15 whole minutes staring at the blank screen trying to sum up enough energy to begin thinking of potential blogging fodder. It just wasn't happening though...all that caffeine rich tea i drank to stimulate my brain cells went to waste.
But anyways...don't be too hard on me, at least i'm blogging now right? And i'm sure most of you out there have experienced at least ONCE a bad case of extended writers block. Eh? Right? Ya i thought so.
Today is a going to be a full day. It's my last day in town before i leave (at the crack of dawn tomorrow if you must know. In dad's boat!) and I still haven't packed any of my clothing, or canceled my car insurance, or packed any of my books (there's a lot of them), or even showered yet (and its already noon! shameful!). I'm just sitting here under the massively hot heater vent in the school room downstairs debating whether i should bring my super skinny jeans or not. i mean, i already have 4 pairs of jeans i'm planning on packing what would one more matter? But it would probably mean i couldn't bring those 2 t-shirts that i really wanted to bring. Who wins in a t-shirt vs. jeans cage fight? Not even sure. I guess I'll be finding out later on today (much muuuuch later, like around the 2am mark which is when my most effective packing happens).
Adios for now!
But anyways...don't be too hard on me, at least i'm blogging now right? And i'm sure most of you out there have experienced at least ONCE a bad case of extended writers block. Eh? Right? Ya i thought so.
Today is a going to be a full day. It's my last day in town before i leave (at the crack of dawn tomorrow if you must know. In dad's boat!) and I still haven't packed any of my clothing, or canceled my car insurance, or packed any of my books (there's a lot of them), or even showered yet (and its already noon! shameful!). I'm just sitting here under the massively hot heater vent in the school room downstairs debating whether i should bring my super skinny jeans or not. i mean, i already have 4 pairs of jeans i'm planning on packing what would one more matter? But it would probably mean i couldn't bring those 2 t-shirts that i really wanted to bring. Who wins in a t-shirt vs. jeans cage fight? Not even sure. I guess I'll be finding out later on today (much muuuuch later, like around the 2am mark which is when my most effective packing happens).
Adios for now!
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