Friday, March 7, 2008

Forced Inactivity Is Killing Me!

So i've pretty much hurt my leg badly enough to have to stay home from work today. has this ever happened to me? NO! am i peeved? YES! am i extremely bored? YES! but life must go on as they (who?) say.
So far this morning i've done the laundry, tidied the house, vacuumed, watched a movie, screwed up 3 sudokus and finally finished the 4th, and sat on my rear end for countless hours. Now what?
who knows. but not being at work is killing me, and i'm beginning to wonder if i'm too obsessed with it. i mean, it's pretty much all i think about, all i talk about, and all i dream about (literally, i dream about work almost every night).
But i don't see any break in the near or far future from the retail line of work so i guess i'll just have to stick with it....
except today! today i stay at home and do NOTHING!
end of rant.

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