What is with my toe being such a heavy object magnet today!!?? i had a big water bottle dropped on my broken big toe which just about KILLED me, i almost had tears in my eyes! And then, approximately an hour later after i'd just about finished recovering and could feel my toe again, ANOTHER water bottle was dropped ON THE SAME TOE!! OUCH!! so after staying in the doubled up/in a lot of pain position for a couple of minutes i got on with my day (albeit a little numbly), kept pricing stuff and whatnot, had a few good laughs...and then, yes, the inevitable happened. A large box of Mott's Applesauce Cups slipped out of my hands, flew through the air (ie, downwards) and landed square on the previously so unfortunate toe!!!!!
the magnitude of the pain my friends was something else.
an experience i hope never to experience again.
i mean, it hurts bad enough without the broken toe (trust me, its happened more than once to me), but WITH?
So ya. Believe it or not i had a good day despite those tragedies. I got an uber ton of stuff done with Leslye on the shipment, laughed at an inordinate amount of hilariously random things and made a blonde idiot out of myself more than a couple of times...:D
In other news: i've decided that junk food is a thing of the past and am currently on a new "health kick" (as heather would put it) with my mom for a whole entire week! No chips, pop, chocolate bars, chewy dipp bars (a huge favorite of mine, especially the extraordinarily ridiculously swell tasting peanut butter ones), candies of any shape or form, and snacks at night time that fall under the names of almonds, sesame sticks, cheerios, raisins, fruitloops, croutons, daims, smarties, walnuts, peanuts, nutella covered bananas, icecream, etc etc etc.
its really hard.
its only been like 2 days and i'm already experiencing withdrawl symptoms. Leslye tried to convince me (by force) to eat a Wagonwheel at work today and i could smell it and boy did it ever smell good! i was sorely tempted...but i triumphed!! the night before the diet um i mean HEALTH KICK started i ate all the remaining Daims in my room. BAD IDEA! there were about 30 of them and i had a MASSIVE sugar headache all night long! but i knew that if i didn't eat them i'd be looking at them all week long while i wasted away to nothing and they'd be such a temptation.
still, not doing it again. 3 or 4 at a time is definitely enough.
I know it might sound like i'm going a bit overboard/melodramatic and all, but seriously when you work in a freight damage store there's SO MUCH TO EAT and it usually is not at all good for you. I didn't even fully realize how much junk i ingested in a regular work day until i stopped eating it altogether!
Well thats all for now folks, be sure to stop by later this week for another installment of my work day adventures!