Friday, October 12, 2007

What is the point of blogging? what is the point of having a blog in general? why do we have this insistence on people peeking into our lives? can you tell i have absolutely nothing to say?
yes it was a long day at work, and i'm glad to be home. and being as someone mentioned off-hand the other day how i never update my blog i thought i'd better. no time like the present.
so here goes:
-I am fine
-Leah is pregnant (yay!!)
-Will is leaving (yay? no really i'll miss him)
-Kiara is 5 (october 11)

and that is really all the remarkable news that i can think of!! but actually it depends on what you would consider remarkable. some people want to know every detail of your life, when you got your last haircut, when you got your last speeding ticket, what you bought when you last went shopping and how much it cost....or even what time of night you go to bed! i don't mind. but i can never turn my thoughts into proper words so i apologize to any offended party who may find my blog boring and useless.
here are some more interesting ones:
and thats all for now!

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