Sunday, November 26, 2006

The First Post

Why Today? Because Today is the most important day of your life! Today you have the most important choice to make, the choice that will change your life, and the choice that will entirely determine your future. So you may be asking "what is this choice?". It's the decision you make by confessing with your mouth and believing in your heart and being baptised in water that will determine whether you will follow Jesus Christ for the rest of your life or go straight to Hell. Mmhm it is a big choice, lets put in perspective....if you think that living to maybe 83 years old would be a goodly sized life, let me enlighten you as to how wrong you are!! It's absolutely NOTHING compared to eternity!!
And let me tell you, when I made that big choice to follow Jesus it was the best thing I ever did, and Today i'm telling YOU about that choice because maybe yesterday you didn't know that that choice even existed! And who wants to go to hell anyways?...
So choose now before it's too late....NOW!

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