Saturday, February 26, 2011


There's a double rainbow in the sky!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Weekend Review (in short form)

Well, the Young Adult Weekend is over! It was an absolute blast having everybody here, seeing old friends and making new ones. The weather was incredible (a definite answer to prayer!), sunshine all weekend long, glorious mountains and blue skies. What a fantastic combination.

We were blessed to have Tyler and Emma Milley speak with us and their willingness to be open and vulnerable and attentive to the Holy Spirit is something i look up to a lot. Also having Tyler plan the music with me was GREAT! It took a lot of pressure off of me. I tend to volunteer for things like that because i really like music but when it comes down to the nitty gritty details of planning a large portion of me dies inside.....yay for Tyler! It was fantastic to have a bunch of the guests take part as well, Leonard, Dan, Thomas, Chantel, Holly, David, Mary, Emily, John, Sarah, Trish, and i'm sure i'm forgetting some others...but you know who you are and a huge thank-you is due to you!

The theme of the weekend was "If You Really Knew Me....", and we focused on how we were discovering our identity in Christ. For all of us this meant different things, but it was amazing to see how they tied into the same common threads. For myself it was about how i struggle with loneliness and accepting the fact that i'm a forgiven and loved child of God, and how God has been healing me of that over the past few years. It was encouraging for me to see over the course of the weekend how many other people struggled with the same things, especially loneliness. The knowledge that we are not alone in our struggles is healing in itself and a lot of people realized that. God is so good!

I know a lot of people were praying for this weekend and i would just like to say how much those prayers were appreciated. God moved in a powerful way and it was AMAZING to see!

Love you all

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Just Life

The weather today was absolutely phenomenal. It began this morning with sunshine and loveliness, blue skies but cold air. Then it began to cloud over, the rain started to drizzle down. Lunch rolled around and all of a sudden Helliki was pointing out the window at the crazy HAIL that was being dumped down! Hail! How marvelous! Hail quickly turned to slushy snow, slushy snow to SNOWY snow (picture me screaming like a banshee and running down Main Street), and then back to rain, and then snow again. oh wait but then it rained some more...and then it stopped for a while. and then the clouds got reeeeally dark and it started raining again. It's currently not precipitating but the mist is hiding the mountains and Gambier is far from sight.
I love it!
Something horrible happened this morning. I put on my gorgeous fire-engine red wellies and noticed a mark on the right toe. UH OH it wasn't a mark, it was a MASSIVE GOUGE!! I have no idea how the heck it got there, i have no recollection of stubbing my foot or dropping anything on myself or leaving my wellies where something could've dropped and made a hole.....
Oh well. Duct tape will fix it.
I'm starting to get slightly nervous about the Young Adult Weekend (it starts tomorrow!!!). We really want people to be vulnerable and open and for that to happen we need to be open and vulnerable ourselves. On Saturday morning i'll be sharing a bit and piece of my life. It will be deep. Maybe deeper than i've ever shared with my closest of friends. But i want to set a precedent of openness that hopefully the guests will follow, enabling them to grow closer to each other and to God.
The problem i have is putting my thoughts into words.
I'm worried that i won't be able to convey clearly what i'm wanting to, well, convey. And also (selfishly) i don't want to look like an idiot.

Trying much too hard
To be the Holy Spirit
Just let go, let God.

I like haikus.

Would you pray for me?