i'm sitting on my bed right now pondering how a spider feels when it gets squished.
is it a quick and painless death? or is it slow and agonized?
who knows.
all i know is that right now my room has been invaded by little baby spiders. stomping boots on, i quiver at the thought of having to smoosh the nasty little boogers, but it has to be done. there is nothing quite like waking up in the middle of the night with a spider in your nose!
and it happens every year.
regular as clockwork.
just like christmas.
and camping.
which leads me to my second reason for blogging.
in just 8 days i'll be in the Okanagan for 7 blissful days, watching the sun rise and set, jumping off lighthouses and cliffs, making incredible memories never to be forgotten! am i excited? is the sky blue? am i hungry? what rhetorical questions.
i'll leave you to answer them because i need to tidy my room and people just arrived for dinner....